Get started with ready-made widgets

Explore our ever-growing library of Sage Intacct workflow widgets that you can customize, use as-is or simply build your workflow from scratch. No-code required.


Coming Soon

Job Setup with Resources

Job setup with resources allows end-users to create or pull from an estimate to create a job from a mobile, tablet, or desktop. Extending this

Coming Soon

Job Setup

Need a job set up to complete a job work ticket? No problem! The job setup widget allows for end-users to create jobs in Intacct

Coming Soon

Cost Complete

Measuring cost to complete requires mobile field visibility and collaboration with the back office. The cost to complete workflow widget allows for the seamless submission

Available Now

Percent Complete

Similar to cost to complete, the percent complete widget allows field and mobile users to pull in data and enter in new percent complete forms

Coming Soon

Service Work Ticket

Service work tickets can pull from completed estimates and allow field users to enter in labor, materials, subcontracts, and equipment usage all from a mobile

Available Now

Equipment Request

Need some equipment delivered to your job site? Use the equipment request form to document what tool is needed and required by date. Route to


Equipment Work Ticket

Is your maintenance technician or manager doing work on your equipment, but no place to put in their time and material usage? Use the equipment

Available Now

Jobsite Photos

Take a picture, talk to text about what is going on in the job photo, drop a GPS stamp, and select picture type and urgency.

Available Now

Adverse Weather Delay Form

The Adverse Weather Delay widget is part of the CRE packet of forms used for project management and documentation. The Adverse Weather Delay widget allows

Available Now

Preparation Checklist

Get off to the right track on your projects by creating a Pre-job checklist. This form can create structure and organization as well as ensure
